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Cultivating Happines on Earth


ArtKids Paintings

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ArtKids Paintings

ArtKids Paintings Picturing Innocence

Every child draws and every child loves painting. As our kids draw and present their drawings to us, we quickly glimpse and praise them for a job well done. However, deep in our hearts, we do not see the Beauty of the kid’s drawings until the same drawings are painted. Draw2Paint is ArtKids way of revealing the hidden beauty in every drawing your kid draws. The simple penciled drawing is then professionally painted using Oil or Water paint. Note that the exact shapes and looks of the drawing must the followed so that your kid would recognise his or her painted drawing at a glance.

ArtKids Foundation works with kids from 3 years to 8 years whose drawings are still simple and naive.

We work with Schools on projects where many children are involved.

Contact ArtKids for Draw2Paint collabo.

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