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Cultivating Happines on Earth


ArtKids Int. Corp.

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ArtKids Int. Corp.

Since, as a not-for-profit organization, ArtKids Foundation is not allowed to engage in profitable business ventures and, since money is required to run ArtKids projects and programs; and since ArtKids does not wish to completely depend to donations, the registration of a business arm of ArtKids became necessary; hence ArtKids Intl. Corp. was established as a corporate entity operational from The Netherlands.

Functioning like every other corporate business entity, ArtKids Intl. Corp. is unlimited in carrying out businesses while generating the needed incomes to adequately fund ArtKids Foundation’s projects and programs.

Through Artkids International, fund is generated via various business transactions in collaboration with established corporate entities (Companies). Take a closer look at our Fundraising projects to determine what business your Company could conduct with ArtKids International on a win-win principle to effectively support the funding of ArtKids Foundation.

Welcome ArtKids International~Welcome ArtKids Business Ventures.

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